In the realm of spring engineering, the choice of material is pivotal, directly influencing performance and application suitability.

Our ‘Spring Materials & Applications’ category offers a technical exploration into the properties, strengths, and limitations of various materials used in spring design.

Delve into this category for an in-depth examination of materials and their optimal spring applications.

Non-Ferrous Materials in Spring Manufacturing

Non-ferrous metals and alloys are called so because they lack the iron content that ferrous materials have. Choosing the right materials for springs is critical, since they will impact the quality and longevity of the final product. At Airedale Springs, we work with both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, which are used in different situations.

Spring Materials Used in the Electronics Sector

We’ve already written about the importance of choosing the right materials for springs, but now we’re focusing specifically on the electronics sector. Not all materials are right for electronics – for example, strength, conductivity, resistance to heat and resistance to corrosion are crucial in the sector – so this needs to be taken into account.

Choosing the Best Materials for Springs

Springs are everywhere. They are used in a variety of industries, from engineering and automotive to aerospace and retail, and the different types of springs that can be manufactured are almost as diverse as their uses – the same is true of the materials that springs are made of.