Whilst at one time, virtual reality technologies were considered the preserve of video game enthusiasts, this technology is really coming of age, and today’s virtual reality is being utilised for a wide range of exciting applications. With this in mind, here we take a closer look at how virtual reality technologies are helping to revolutionise the engineering industry.

Virtual reality is no longer just for video games, and in factories across the globe, digital design technologies, such as virtual reality, are enabling companies to test designs and scenarios before products even enter the production line. As such, they are helping streamline both design and manufacturing processes.

For example, rather than creating expensive physical models, BAE Systems recently employed a virtual reality system to assist them in planning the design and construction of a new submarine model. The company have also employed such technologies in the construction of Royal Navy warships, and have developed a network of so-called visualisation suites (incorporating virtual reality technology) at sites across the country.

These suites are capable of generating complete 3D prototypes, and are enabling BAE’s team of engineers to virtually construct and assess designs before construction even begins. In this way, the engineers are able to identify any potential problems and issues beforehand, thereby helping to cut the cost of any remedial work.

A variety of other sectors, including both the aerospace and automotive industries, are also embracing such technologies. For example, aerospace giants Airbus are currently using a technology known as Mixed Reality Application to aid in the design process. This technology provides engineers with access to a full-scale 3D model of the aircraft they are working on, and can help them to ensure that they have installed equipment inside the aircraft in the correct position. So far, the technology has helped to significantly reduce the time it takes to check the position of brackets inside an aircraft’s fuselage.

According to a recent article from The Engineer, these new design systems are also having an impact not only on the products that factories make, but also on the factories themselves too, and they offer an exciting glimpse of what the factories of the future could look like.

These new design technologies could open up a wealth of new opportunities in the engineering field, and as such it will be interesting to see what the future has in store for virtual reality and engineering.

Here at Airedale Springs, we appreciate how useful digital design technologies like these solutions can be. As leading spring manufacturers, we pride ourselves on the high quality of all our spring products, and our design team also employ state-of-the-art simulation software to aid in the development of their innovate creations. If you would like to find out more about this for yourself, check out the video below.

For more information about our range of products and services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today by giving us a call on 01535 643456 and a member of our friendly team will be happy to help you with your enquiries.